Tag: ubuntu

  • Terminal game: Drive a car on the moon with moon-buggy

    Not that many games on the command line are there? Well, here is one for you, moon-buggy. I could have included a fancy cover art, like commodore games in 80s and computer games in the 90s had a very graphical cover and…

  • Get a nice looking terminal prompt in ubuntu

    The terminal is a non-graphical frontend to the operating system and in linux the most commonly used one is called bash. Normally and I am only guessing here, if you are a terminal user, you don’t spend much time prettifying the look…

  • Min nære slekt illustrert

    GRAMPS er et åpent kildekode-program som jeg har installert på Ubuntu linux sudo apt-get install gramps Jeg har lagt inn noen generasjoner og fra menyen kan du generere forskjellige rapporter, men det var en jeg likte spesielt godt: “Fan report”, vist i…